Thursday, November 03, 2005
How's everyone doing on their writing projects for the month? I have found that either you love NaNoWriMo or you don't.
I love being required to write each and every day. There really isn't any pressure because the gustapo are not going to come and carry me off to a Siberian gulag if I don't finish. It's just a race against ME! I've spent thiry years playing beat the clock, so this fits my personality. What I had to wrap my little brain around was the fact that this isn't expected to be a finished, ready to hand into a publisher, will be a first draft....Wheeee!!! The whole manuscript will wind up being about 80,000 to 90,000 words, but this will be a great start.
Brandilyn Collins has started a great three part blog over at Charis Connection on the art of plotting a novel. Drop in, she is phenomenal at it.
Also for those that are not Mork and Mindy directed (NaNo NaNo), Dee Stewart over at Christian Fiction has a similar event called Halo's Eve. Their exploring novel premises. Check it out!
To all those slaving away at the keyboards of the world....NaNu NaNu...Write On!
thanks~ =)